Saturday, February 28, 2009

I have an identity ... at last!

When I was invited to become a member of Ravelry (, I chose the user name "cedarstrings", to describe my location and my new fascination with the pointy-stick thing. Since then, I've been seeking a way to identify myself, without resorting to cutesie stock clip art, and I've wanted the guitar and violin people who stumble across my blog to know right away that I'm not talking about musical instruments (or model railroad parts).

I've been fascinated with the work of Cindy Moore (Fitter Knitter), who is painstakingly rewriting and charting the lace patterns found in The Art of Knitting 1897. When I landed at her website,, I found the answer to my identity problem. Not only is Ms. Moore a busy aerobics instructor, a gifted and dedicated knitter and designer, she is a technical illustrator/graphic designer! Cindy's expressive interpretation of my name could only be created by a knitter: only a knitter would know how to convey to the world that Cedar Strings is a knitter, not a luthier, nor do I traipse the cedar swamps to harvest the bark to create strings for crafting with other kinds of barks and deer hide.

I know this post is rather disjointed, but I am eager to proclaim to the world how happy I am with my new look. I urge any and all who read these words to check out the wonderful creativity Cindy displays on her website; in her knitting work, and in her technical and graphic illustrations. I sincerely appreciate her time, skill and talent in creating my new look, and heartily recommend her services ... whether you need a touch-up or an extreme makeover, this is the artist who can do it!


Aunt Kathy said...


cedarstrings said...

My blog has been so dead for so long that it's nice to know I'm still 'alive' in cyberspace. Real life and knitting, you know, interfere with blogging, and yahoo group time, and ravelry time ... Thanks for your comments! I am so very grateful for the wonderful artwork. Just this morning I created care labels for my newest gift basket goodies, using the artwork, and suddenly the care labels are exciting!